New Generation Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coating Materials 29 Azar
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💻 وبینار با عنوان:

New Generation Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coating Materials
🎤 سخنران:

Muhammet Karabas
Kirklareli University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Space Sciences, Turkey

✅ محورهای سخنرانی:
➡️ Several criteria for the selection of thermal barrier coating materials, new generation thermalenvironmental barrier coating materials and technological transformation

➡️ Examining the challenges of using complex ceramics such as Rare Earth-Zirconates, Hexaaluminates, lighter and higher temperature resistant ceramic matrix composites

➡️ Study of more coatings with different designs and materials for ceramic matrix composites applications
📆 زمان: دوشنبه 29 آذر، ساعت 18:30

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تعداد بازدید:
كليه حقوق اين وب سايت متعلق به دانشگاه خواجه نصير الدين طوسي ميباشد.