Compilation of fuel basket and fleet of light vehicles


Client: Iran Fuel Conservation Company

Date: 2010

Director project: Professor Majid Amidpour

Project type: Feasibility/Simulation study

Project collaborator: K.N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU)

 Summary of project:

The fleet fuel basket and fuel of light vehicles has been prepared by the National Oil Products Distribution Company and in close cooperation with the Fuel Consumption Optimization Company. On the other hand, it should be said that a special model has been designed and implemented apart from the integrated model for the development of a lightweight vehicles fuel basket of the country. This means that the fuel basket model is only a very small part of the integrated energy supply and demand model and has a special application that has been modeled on the transportation sector of the country at the national level. Due to the sensitivity and importance of planning and policy making for the supply of fuel in the light transportation sector and the optimal supply of portfolio combinations in recent years, as well as the need for careful monitoring of some CNG fuel, the National Oil Distribution Company applied changes in fuel basket and lightweight fleet due to the accelerated development of parameters such as regional fuel prices, infrastructure development costs and the addition of vans in cooperation with the company, which the modeling has been done by eliminating the model weaknesses and improving edition. It should be noted that the results were signed by the members of the previous LEAP team through the software at the end of spring, and the final approval of the respectable Minister of Oil has been reached as a national document. The model is based on the maximization of social benefits and also on the basis of the limitations and views of the leaders, experts, and high objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In general, the document's formation space has been within the framework of the following main plans and policies.

 Diversification into fuel and technology in the transport sector of the country

 Implementation of lightweight vehicles fuel consumption standards

 Implementation of the law on targeting the energy subsidies of the country

 Implementation of the Law on Public Transport Development and Fuel Management

 Removing the Workshop Conversion of Gas Vehicles and Moving to Gas-Based vehicles

 Considering environmental costs in the supply and demand chain

 Sustainable fuel supply in the transport sector

 Gradual elimination of import tariffs and the maintenance of 1.2 million light-weight production capacity in the country

 Development of simple, plug and electrical hybrid vehicles in the coming years

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تعداد بازدید:
كليه حقوق اين وب سايت متعلق به دانشگاه خواجه نصير الدين طوسي ميباشد.